Your support has allowed us to help more than ten thousand young people in the past 47 years. Our commitment to provide opportunities and safety to young people remains steadfast, though the resources necessary to provide this care are growing scarcer.
Overall, we received less government funding for all our programs this year. If we continue to maintain our current programs, our costs will only increase while government funding does not. This gap poses a great challenge to the mission and vision of Second Story.
That’s where our new campaign comes in. We’re calling it “Together, We Do more.”
Together, as a community, we do more than we could ever do alone. Together, we can ensure that Second Story’s support will always be available for young people who need it the most. Our goal is to raise $4 million dollars from people like you over the course of the next three years to meet our rising expenses and continue providing uninterrupted support to young people. That’s about $1.3 million dollars a year.
Hundreds of people in our community have pledged to help us meet our goal. Hear more about why they’ve chosen Second Story by reading their giving stories.
With your generosity, we can make significant progress toward this goal during this holiday season to lay a foundation for 2020. Will you make a contribution and help Second Story change lives this year?