Second Story for Homeless Youth
Second Story for Homeless Youth provides youth experiencing homelessness with a safe place to live as well as counseling and other long-term support so they can build skills to live independently.
Program Highlights
- Long-term housing and support for youth aged 18-24 who are experiencing homelessness or living in an unsafe situation (depending on your age and situation you may need a referral from a service provider).
- This program is not an emergency shelter – we have eligibility requirements and an application process.
- Located in Northern Virginia
- Call 703.206.9890 or email the Program Manager to learn more or request an application
(please note that this phone number and email are monitored Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM).
UPDATE: Second Story for Homeless Youth is excited to announce that we have received a new Transitional Living Program grant to expand our services to help young people in the Northern Virginia area who are in high school, graduated and attending higher education, or working independently in the community, and who are 18 to 21 years old. Youth who fit the criteria may be eligible to receive 18 months of housing, rental support and case management services.
If you are ages 18-24 and in need of housing assistance, please call 703.206.9890 or email the Program Manager to request an application. Then, submit the completed application to our program manager or with your school social worker, if applicable. We will respond to you as soon as possible.
- Coordinated Services Planning: 703.222.0880
- Embry Rucker Community Shelter: 703.437.1975 or Bailey’s Shelter & Supportive Housing: 703.820.7621
- Latin American Youth Center in Washington, D.C.: 202.319.2225
- Mobile Hope: 703.771.1400
The issue:
A study from Chapin Hall out of the University of Chicago found that 1 in 10 young people (aged 18 to 25) experience homelessness in a year. Homelessness also makes young people more at risk for trafficking, mental health challenges, abusive relationships, suicidal ideation, sexual exploitation, and long-term disconnection from our society as a whole.
Our work:
Second Story for Homeless Youth provides housing, counseling, and life skills support so that young people are equipped to achieve their potential and become self-sufficient adults. We do this through three different program sections based upon eligibility requirements:
- Rapid Re-housing provides housing and other supports for 18-24 year olds for up to two years. Young people who are eligible for this program must meet the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) definition of homelessness, meaning they are living in a homeless shelter, sleeping on the streets or another place not meant for human habitation, or fleeing domestic violence in Fairfax County, and be referred by a community provider. This program first places youth in housing and then works on meeting milestones like obtaining a job or a GED.
- FCPS Youth provides housing for young people who are currently enrolled in school through Fairfax County Public Schools. These young people are between the ages of 18 and 21 and working to finish their high school education. Second Story for Homeless Youth provides housing, case management, and counseling until high school graduation.
- Transitional Living Program provides housing for young people aged 18-21 who are “unstably housed” (different from the Rapid Re-Housing “HUD homeless” requirement and can include “couch surfing”). Through Second Story for Homeless Youth, these young people have access to rental support in a room of their own, case management, and counseling. They are required to have a job and may also be attending school. They participate in life skills groups to increase independent living skills.
All of this support is completely free.
Who is eligible?
Youth 18-24 who are experiencing homelessness or unstably housed. Youth often come to us who have aged out of foster care, been kicked out of their parent or guardian’s home with insufficient resources, or have run away from an unsafe situation. We have an application and a waiting list. All services are provided in and around Fairfax County, Virginia.
Our impact:
In Fiscal Year 2024, we served 43 young people and their 13 children. These programs often have wait lists of more than a dozen youth.

I either had to quit school to pay my bills or….get some help. This is the moment when they let me know about the Second Story program.
-Michael, Second Story for Homeless Youth
Our Second Stories

Michael’s Story

Mia’s Second Story