Internship Application

"*" indicates required fields

Are you 18 or older?*
What times each week are you available to intern?*
This is intended to give us a rough idea of your availability, so the times don't need to be exact.


Please provide three people who have known you for at least three years and are willing to serve as references.

Reference #1

Reference #1 - Name*
Reference #1 - Address*

Reference #2

Reference #2 - Name*
Reference #2 - Address*

Reference #3

Reference #3 - Name*
Reference #3 - Address*
Security and Background Checks*
I understand that if I am selected for a volunteer or intern position that involves working with youth directly, I will be required to undergo a background check. I understand that if I must undergo a background check, I am responsible for the $60 fee. Second Story staff will notify you in advance of any costs and will keep you fully informed
Keep in touch with Second Story!*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Need Help?

If you need help right away, our 24/7 hotline provides support and referrals to services in the Washington DC metro area.
Call 1-800-SAY-TEEN or text “TEENHELP” to 855-11

Your Impact

We make every dollar count. The direct support of young people, their families and their communities, is our first priority. Here are examples of how your donation may be used.


  • Three high school students experiencing homelessness receive a full year of rental assistance and support services so they can remain in school and graduate with their class.


  • One teenager receives a safe haven, warm bed, food, and round-the-clock support for five nights at Second Story for Teens in Crisis, or
  • Eight months of therapy for a young woman in the Second Story for Young Mothers program.


  • One teen receives daily counseling during a three-week stay at Second Story for Teens in Crisis, or
  • Twenty counseling sessions for the children and teens who are at-risk and participating in our after-school programs.


  • Three teens receive a therapy session at Second Story for Teens in Crisis, or
  • Two weeks of food for a young mother and her child at Second Story for Young Mothers.

Thank you for your support!