Second Story's Learning Center

The learning center is a collection of resources about issues facing young people and how our community can respond. You can use this collection to educate yourself on the issues as well as learn more about how organizations like Second Story are making an impact.

Substance Abuse Among Local Youth Graphic

Learning Series: Substance Abuse Among Local Youth

When a substance is deadly in small doses, yet nearly undetectable, how can we can keep ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities safe? Learn some warning signs and resources.
Alexis SSYM

Voices from our Programs: Meet Alexis

Meet Alexis! Alexis participated in Second Story for Young Mothers at a challenging moment in her life. Now she shares her inspirational second story.
Second Story CBS staff at FRC

Voices from our Programs: Hear directly from 2S staff and teens

How can you begin to transform underserved communities? Hear about challenges and ways teens are writing their second stories with empowerment and leadership opportunities.
Homeless male with backpack

Hunger and Homelessness in Fairfax County

Fairfax County Government provides a summary of relevant statistics related to homelessness and hunger in one of the wealthiest counties in the country alongside ways citizens can help.
Learning Series on Human Trafficking

Learning Series: Human Trafficking in NOVA

Join Second Story staff for a previously recorded discussion about human trafficking in Northern Virginia and learn how our programs provide much-needed support to victims. 
Join Second Story for our Learning Series: Reconnecting Generation COVID on Tuesday, March 29 at 11am EST

Learning Series: Reconnecting Generation COVID

Learn about local efforts to reconnect youth following the COVID Pandemic. Hear directly from Second Story's staff and author Anne Kim about what they're seeing on the ground in our community.
Back group shot of teens putting arms around each other

4 Facts You Didn’t Know About Human Trafficking and Youth

Learn the facts about human trafficking, including shocking statistics about the local situation and how the COVID-19 pandemic increased the number of people at risk.
Teen Sitting on Low Wall

News Clip: “Gaps in social services are leaving homeless youth with ‘no good choice'”

Teen Vogue and the Center for Public Integrity describe the struggles young people face when navigating homelessness in an under-funded U.S. system.
Broken fence for Focal Point Clip

News Clip: “Islands of Disadvantage”

This local news clip featuring 2S staff and a client highlights a 17-year life expectancy gap between local affluent communities versus "islands of disadvantage" just down the street.
Teen Holding Backpack

Learning Series: Youth Homelessness in Fairfax County

Hear directly from the FCPS Homeless & Foster Care Liaison and Second Story CEO about youth homelessness in Fairfax County Public Schools and the services available.
Family and Fairfax Homeless Report

Homelessness Increases Regionally

According to Fairfax County Government’s Office to Prevent and End Homelessness, “the number of people in families with children experiencing homelessness increased by 33% between 2022 and 2023." Learn more.

U.S. Surgeon General Report on Mental Health

In December 2021 the Surgeon General of the United States released a report on the declining state of youth mental health in the country, along with action items and resources for stakeholders.

Listen to the Second Stories Podcast

Second Story Podcast Logo

The Second Stories Podcast is dedicated to telling stories of people who had first stories full of hardship and hopelessness, yet were able to change the narrative and write a better second story. Theirs are stories of resilience and hope, but also tributes to the people, experiences and organizations that made it possible for them to start again.

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  • Updates from our programs and organization
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