2021 Year in Review


Happy New Year from all of us at Second Story! We begin this new year filled with gratitude – for our dedicated staff, who pushed through another year of change and unpredictability, for you, our community, who has been faithful in supporting us through the challenges the pandemic has brought, and for the young people we serve, who allow us to be part of their second stories.

A review of some of the ways you helped us support youth this year, from each of our program managers:

Second Story for Young Mothers
“One of Second Story for Young Mothers’ clients received a scholarship from Generation Hope. Generation Hope provides scholarships to parents who are working towards higher education. The scholarships do not only include financial support, but peer support, networking opportunities, and mentoring support, just to name a few. This scholarship was especially helpful, as Generation Hope assists individuals throughout their higher education goals. The client who was awarded this scholarship expressed excitement and a sense of security with this accomplishment.” – Kesha Taffe, Program Manager – Second Story for Young Mothers

Second Story for Homeless Youth
“Second Story for Homeless Youth was able to build on the technology and support that we learned when the pandemic first hit our programs. We were still able to support our clients, and 100% of our eligible seniors graduated from high school. We have gotten creative with Zoom and FaceTime and having socially distanced meetings. Staff have continued to provide resources and donations as clients have started to get back on their feet. We were also very happy and thankful to all our donors who continue to provide vital items our clients need. One group donated spa gift baskets to our clients who are mothers, we were able to provide clients with Thanksgiving baskets, and we were able to provide requested holiday gifts to all of our clients. I am especially grateful for Second Story’s community for allowing us to continue to provide greatly-needed support through donations, rent, food, toiletries, and household items. -Angel Cregge, Program Manager – Second Story for Homeless Youth

Second Story in the Community
“This past year we opened our doors to in-person programming again for our afterschool youth programs and our Family Resource Centers to continue to serve in our communities. We connected our clients to much-needed services such as rental assistance and health insurance and helped some of our most food insecure community members by continuing our food distributions twice a week. We also resumed our annual events such as giving hundreds of backpacks to children in our communities through our back-to-school event, distributing Thanksgiving baskets and turkeys, and giving holiday presents to the youth in our programs and also to the communities of Springfield and Culmore.

We also have been able to form a stronger partnership with the Fairfax County Health Department and other local partners to support and host Equity Clinics to encourage vaccination in our communities. We are starting a new initiative, Health Literacy, to further educate and empower those who face barriers in advocating for themselves to make better-informed decisions regarding their health. I am grateful for Second Story’s community for allowing us to reach out to those who might not have anywhere else to go for help. This year we were able to step in and let others know we stand with them and will support them in the best way possible through their hardships.” -Kimberlyn Pena, Program Manager — Second Story in the Community

Second Story for Teens in Crisis
This past year Second Story for Teens in Crisis provided a safe space to 57 teens during the 2021 calendar year. To meet the needs of the community, we created a trauma-informed space for our teens to learn to use coping skills and improve their mental health. I am especially grateful for Second Story’s community for allowing us to provide food, hygiene products, and a safe space to teens in crisis to take a break from home. -Lauren Luberda, Program Manager – Second Story for Teens in Crisis

Here’s to another year of serving youth together. If you’re new to our community, or simply would like to learn more about what we do, we’d love to have you join us for our next Open Door Information Session next week, please register to attend.

Need Help?

If you need help right away, our 24/7 hotline provides support and referrals to services in the Washington DC metro area.
Call 1-800-SAY-TEEN or text “TEENHELP” to 855-11

Your Impact

We make every dollar count. The direct support of young people, their families and their communities, is our first priority. Here are examples of how your donation may be used.


  • Three high school students experiencing homelessness receive a full year of rental assistance and support services so they can remain in school and graduate with their class.


  • One teenager receives a safe haven, warm bed, food, and round-the-clock support for five nights at Second Story for Teens in Crisis, or
  • Eight months of therapy for a young woman in the Second Story for Young Mothers program.


  • One teen receives daily counseling during a three-week stay at Second Story for Teens in Crisis, or
  • Twenty counseling sessions for the children and teens who are at-risk and participating in our after-school programs.


  • Three teens receive a therapy session at Second Story for Teens in Crisis, or
  • Two weeks of food for a young mother and her child at Second Story for Young Mothers.

Thank you for your support!