Last week, I announced for the first time that I was CEO of Second Story. Alternative House is writing our next story, and we have changed our name to Second Story. We’ve got a fresh new look, too.
Through this name change, our services to young people, their families, and their communities have continued without interruption.
Last year, we served over 2,000 teens in crisis through our 24/7 hotline and textline, and provided 1,389 bednights at our teen shelter. We provided school supplies to 740 at-risk elementary school students, and our two family resource centers provided access to services like food assistance, free legal help, and free clinic services for 7,000 community members each. Among the senior high school students in our program for homeless youth, 100 percent got their high school diploma. You can read more about our latest year of service in our Annual Report, also released recently.
We have helped young people write a new story for their lives for 45 years, and we are honored to continue serving the community in the years to come as Second Story.
You can learn more about our work on our brand new website, www.second-story.org. We have new social media, too.
Thank you for being our supporter and ally as we enter this new phase of our development, and write our Second Story.