Gather your church, workplace, book club, yoga class, parenting group, or family and help us collect items to distribute to our local community!
This year we are hoping to give away more than 800 baskets.
Each basket should contain enough items to feed six people and should contain the following sorts of items:
- Gift card for $10.00 or more to Safeway, Giant, or Shoppers for purchasing a turkey or other kind of meat. Please no fresh or frozen turkeys, as we do not have any way to refrigerate them (Please separate gift cards, note amount, and place them in sealed envelopes addressed to Christine Bartell).
- Pasta or mac and cheese
- Cooking oil
- Two types of canned vegetables
- Dry black beans
- Rice
- Canned fruit for dessert or a box dessert mix
- Shelf-stable UHT milk (such as Parmalat) or additional money on the gift card to purchase milk to drink with the meal
- Maseca (a brand of flour) or something similar
Please contact our Outreach and Volunteer Manager by emailing or texting (703.217.5205) to arrange for drop-off or if you have any questions. Baskets need to be delivered no later than November 20.
Thank you for helping us work to make every Northern Virginian family’s Thanksgiving warm and bright!