Second Stories Podcast

We think of each person’s life as having a “first story,” and a “second story.” Your first story is marked by the setting you were born into: your parents, your community, your level of opportunity, mostly things you can’t change. Your “second story,” is the new chapter you write yourself: your career, your own family, your goals, and your dreams.

Second Stories is dedicated to telling stories of people who had first stories full of hardship and hopelessness, yet were able to change the narrative and write a new one. They’re stories of resilience and hope, but also tributes to the people and experiences and organizations that made it possible for them to start again.

Find each episode here, plus some more information and photos about each of our guests.

Subscribe to the Second Stories Podcast

Second Stories season four is airing this September. You can listen to our three previous seasons here on our site or wherever you get your podcasts. Subscribe and listen using the links below:


Kelsey’s story has some of the lowest lows we’ve heard yet as well as one of the most relatable closings. We hear her story and talk about what goes unnoticed and unsaid about youth in crisis.

Topical Episode: Edwin & Empowerment

In this episode, we’re talking to Edwin, a Former Community Organizer at Second Story in the Community, about empowerment.
Cathy Benn

Topical Episode: Cathy & Mental Health

Today we’re speaking to Cathy, Second Story’s Vice President of Residential Services and Senior Therapist about how mental health really looks in our programs.

Topical Episode: Judith & Equity

For the first of our topical episodes this season we’re speaking again to our former CEO, Judith Dittman, about equity.
Picture of Daniel


As a young person, Daniel couch-surfed and wasn’t sure where his next meal would come from. Thankfully his love for basketball kept him focused, and ultimately brought him the community he needed to find safety, stability, and thrive.

Second Stories Season Four

We're excited to bring you a fourth season of Second Stories with more stories and episodes touching on equity, empowerment, and mental health.
Meghan Huebner

Youth Homelessness During the Pandemic

In this episode we talk with a former staff member about the unique challenges faced by youth and families experiencing homeless during the COVID-19 Pandemic and how we safely supported the youth in our programs.


Jimena shares her experience of five years of homelessness before finding stability as a women and mother.
Nandred Navarro

Vulnerable Communities during the Pandemic

We’re speaking to Second Story’s Former VP of Community-Based programs about the Pandemic's impact on the “most vulnerable” in our community.
Cathy Benn

Mental Health During the Pandemic

Our Senior Therapist addresses the relationship between COVID-19 and mental health and how it impacted the youth we serve.
Anne Kim

Topical Episode: Youth Disconnection & Foster Care

Author Anne Kim discusses how her book explores the reality that nearly five million young people experience disconnection and abandonment as they enter adulthood.
Caitlin Feature


Caitlin's story sheds light on what teens in foster care endure and all that they have to offer the world.

Need Help?

If you need help right away, our 24/7 hotline provides support and referrals to services in the Washington DC metro area.
Call 1-800-SAY-TEEN or text “TEENHELP” to 855-11

Your Impact

We make every dollar count. The direct support of young people, their families and their communities, is our first priority. Here are examples of how your donation may be used.


  • Three high school students experiencing homelessness receive a full year of rental assistance and support services so they can remain in school and graduate with their class.


  • One teenager receives a safe haven, warm bed, food, and round-the-clock support for five nights at Second Story for Teens in Crisis, or
  • Eight months of therapy for a young woman in the Second Story for Young Mothers program.


  • One teen receives daily counseling during a three-week stay at Second Story for Teens in Crisis, or
  • Twenty counseling sessions for the children and teens who are at-risk and participating in our after-school programs.


  • Three teens receive a therapy session at Second Story for Teens in Crisis, or
  • Two weeks of food for a young mother and her child at Second Story for Young Mothers.

Thank you for your support!