Learning Center - Mental Health
The learning center is a collection of resources about issues facing young people and how our community can respond. You can use this collection to educate yourself on the issues as well as learn more about how organizations like Second Story are making an impact.

Learning Series: Reconnecting Generation COVID
Learn about local efforts to reconnect youth following the COVID Pandemic. Hear directly from Second Story's staff and author Anne Kim about what they're seeing on the ground in our community.
U.S. Surgeon General Report on Mental Health
In December, 2021 the Surgeon General of the United States released a report on the state of youth mental health in the country.
Podcast: Domestic Violence
This episode of Second Story's podcasts we talk to Angel, Second Story's program manager for Second Story for Homeless Youth, about how abuse affects specifically young women and their greater circle – their futures, dreams, children, and mental health.
Podcast: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
This episode of Second Story's podcast educates us on PTSD - its causes, symptoms, and the way it affects its victims - with our Vice President of Residential Services and Senior Therapist, Cathy Benn.
Podcast: Youth Disconnection & Foster Care
In this episode of Second Story's podcast we hear from Anne Kim, a journalist, author, and fountain of wisdom and insight on youth issues.
Learning Series: How to Keep Youth Safe Online
This recorded presentation includes information on different kinds of online hate and harassment (such as cyberbullying, virtual sex abuse, and criminal radicalization), their impact on youth and families, as well as what you can do to help as a member of the community.
Podcast: Mental Wellness & COVID-19
In this episode of our podcast, Second Stories, we hear from Cathy Benn, Vice President of Residential Services and Senior Therapist. She educates on the relationship between COVID-19 and mental health and why it has been an especially challenging time for the young people we serve.