Second Story for Young Mothers

Second Story for Young Mothers is a Transitional Living Program that helps pregnant or parenting moms ages 16 to 24 attain safety, stability, and independence by assistance with housing, counseling, parenting supplies, and training. Eligibility for specific services depends on age.

Program Highlights

  • Mothers ages 18 to 21 who are experiencing homelessness or unsafe living situations may be eligible for housing and case management support for up to 18 months.
  • Mothers ages 16 to 24 may receive parenting supplies and resources, counseling, and attend group learning sessions. 
  • This program is not an emergency shelter. We have eligibility requirements and an application process.
  • The program is located in Northern Virginia.
  • Call 703.280.2162 or email the Program Manager to learn more or request an application (phones and emails are monitored Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET).

The issue:

A study by Chapin Hall from the University of Chicago reports that pregnant and parenting youth are 200% more at risk to experience homelessness. Many young mothers experiencing homelessness are fleeing a domestic violence situation and find themselves facing an impossible choice:  leave their abusers and experience homelessness or stay in abusive situations with a place to live.

According to multiple studies, more than 80% of mothers with children experiencing homelessness had been in domestic violence situations. Additionally, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, every year 1.2 million children under six years old experience homelessness in the United States. When parents with children experience homelessness, the child suffers as well.

Our work:

Second Story for Young Mothers helps women ages 16 to 24 who are pregnant or have young children. Many are fleeing dangerous situations. We put an emphasis on parenting skills, financial literacy, education, job readiness, and basic self-sufficiency so young women will be able to support themselves and their children — breaking the cycle of poverty, abuse, or homelessness.

Young women ages 18 to 21 years old who are pregnant and parenting while experiencing homelessness  or unsafe situations may be eligible to live independently in town homes for up to 18 months and receive comprehensive counseling and other services to help meet their basic needs and life skills support to help them on their road to independence. 

Mothers ages 16 to 24 may be eligible to receive free counseling and support from the program, including help with budgeting, life skills, parenting education, nutrition, and employment, parenting supplies, and other assistance. 

Who is eligible?

Pregnant and parenting young women experiencing homelessness or living in an unsafe situation may apply. Mothers ages 18 to 21 may be eligible to receive residential support if they agree to meet program expectations. We have an application and a waiting list. Mothers ages 16 to 24 can receive community-based support. All services are provided in and around Fairfax County, Virginia.

Our impact:

In fiscal year 2024, we served eight mothers and their 11 children residentially and an additional 126 mothers with other services. 100% exited the program to a safe situation.

Our Second Stories

Steph’s Story

"Steph" was facing homelessness again and considering moving into an adult homeless shelter pregnant and with her young child. Then, she found Second Story.
2024 Naomi's Story

Naomi’s Second Story

"Naomi" arrived at Second Story for Young Mothers with two small bags and her baby boy. Learn how a safe, stable place to live and some baby necessities were the start to her second story.
A young mother crouching down to hold her baby girl toodler

Jada’s Second story

"Jada" was a young and pregnant mother when she experienced domestic abuse. Second Story for Young Mothers stepped in to help with short-term needs so she could plan the future for her two girls.

Need Help?

If you need help right away, our 24/7 hotline provides support and referrals to services in the Washington DC metro area.
Call 1-800-SAY-TEEN or text “TEENHELP” to 855-11

Your Impact

We make every dollar count. The direct support of young people, their families and their communities, is our first priority. Here are examples of how your donation may be used.


  • Three high school students experiencing homelessness receive a full year of rental assistance and support services so they can remain in school and graduate with their class.


  • One teenager receives a safe haven, warm bed, food, and round-the-clock support for five nights at Second Story for Teens in Crisis, or
  • Eight months of therapy for a young woman in the Second Story for Young Mothers program.


  • One teen receives daily counseling during a three-week stay at Second Story for Teens in Crisis, or
  • Twenty counseling sessions for the children and teens who are at-risk and participating in our after-school programs.


  • Three teens receive a therapy session at Second Story for Teens in Crisis, or
  • Two weeks of food for a young mother and her child at Second Story for Young Mothers.

Thank you for your support!